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Linde Van der Poel graduated with a degree from ArtEZ  Academy of Fine Art, The Netherlands in 2002. After travelling extensively Linde settled in Bali, Indonesia and founded her company by-Lin in 2004.
From conceptualisation to the finished  product Linde’s skills and design knowledge are always apparent. The intimate quality driven production site ensures each by-Lin design delivers guaranteed quality and exclusivity.
The original Dutch Tulip is by-Lin’s trademark. This flagship model along with the name of the handbag are patented worldwide. The production techniques employed ensure every bag is unique in its own right.
From its very inception By-Lin Designer and owner Linde Van Der Poel has always insisted that the company remain grounded to its core belief in stringently adhering to fair trade practices and always remembering that with regards to the environment “first do no harm” be a guiding principle.
Linde’s inspiration is obviously heavily grounded in nature and she constantly endeavours to introduce all that is inherently organic in her handmade product range. Linde is careful to ensure that all that inspires her from nature is not in any way damaged through the production process.

It can be said that by-Lin products truly touch the earth gently.

All by-Lin products are fair-trade, handmade by local workers in our own factory. The skins come from animals that have spent their working lives with local farmers, where they have had a good life. The leather has been created by a unique and innovative process without using harmful chemicals. This is better for the population, the environment and the animals.

3 products